quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2016


Excelente e Genial ..
 Mais uma vez fiquei deliciado com a cor e a fotografia, combinação perfeita do Jazz de Duke Ellington com a montagem frenetica e barulhenta de New York nos Anos 50.

On The Bowery

On The Bowery was the first of Lionel Rogosin's Award winning films, garnering the Grand Prize at the 1956 Venice Film Festival as well as the British Award for Best Documentary the same year. 

From the beginning, Rogosin's style as an independent filmmaker was straightforward and compassionate. His films, made "from the inside" showed the subjects he chose in their normal surroundings and allowed them to speak in their own words. By choosing ordinary people caught up in universal problems - homelessness, racial discrimination, war and peace, labor relations, and poverty-Rogosin made his point poignantly. 

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